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Home About hunting ground
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360 lovisteHunting ground Bijele Vode is in southeastern part of BiH. It is mountain hunting ground with varied relief , that is perfect place for different kinds of hunting game. All area is extremely water rich. And all hunting field is equipped.

We sincerely hope that we will fulfill our of you wishes.


Prikaži BIJELE VODE na većoj karti


Hunting ground Bijele Vode has typical mountain climate. Winter season is cold, long and snowy with characteristic low temperatures, often below O⁰C.

Snow begins to fall in the December and stays until the beginning of May. Summer seasons are short and usually dry with high temperatures during the day and fresh nights. Average annual temperature is 9,4*C. Average summer temperature is 18,8⁰C.


Hunting ground Bijele Vode is situated on the mountain Vranovina. It's area is 23,7 km². Elevation starts from 950 m to 1270 m at the top of the mountain.

Hunting area belongs to the municipality Pale-Praca, Bosansko-podrinjski kanton Gorazde.

Bjele vode hunting area is 65 km away from the Sarajevo and 19 km from Gorazde.


Prikaži Loviste Bjele vode na većoj karti